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News of SuSTaIn
September 2016
SuSTaIn Closing Workshop
was held
13th and 14th September 2016 in the School of Mathematics, University
of Bristol.
July 2016
SuSTaIn Closing Workshop
to be held
13th and 14th September 2016 in the School of Mathematics, University
of Bristol.
July 2016 Congratulations to
Nayia Constantinou
who will take up a
position at Warwick University
from September 2016.
June 2016 Congratulations to
Marcelo Pereyra
who will take up a
Lectureship at Heriott-Watt University
1st January 2016.
June 2016 Congratulations to
Heather Battey
who has been appointed as Lecturer at Imperial College, London.
September 2015
Announce: New
EdgeCutter Workshop on High-dimensional Statistics, Inverse Problems and Convex Analysis
to be held
22nd March 2016 at the Royal Statistical Society, London
May 2015 Exciting
Intractable Likelihoods meeting held at Goldeney Hall,
University of Bristol with over 70 participants
April 2015 Hugely successful
Causal Inference Meeting held at
University of Bristol with over 130 participants
 Click images to see more.
April 2015 Announce: New
EdgeCutter Workshop on Hidden Complexities in Complex Traits and Genome-wide Association
to be held
19th October 2015 at the Royal Statistical Society, London
January 2015 Announce: New
UK Causal Inference Meeting
to be held
14-17 April 2015 in Bristol.
January 2015
Announce: New
SuSTaIn/iLike workshop on Intractable Likelihoods
to be held
20-22 May 2015 in Bristol.
December 2014
EdgeCutter Workshop in Astrostatistics
was held on
17 December 2014 at the Royal Statistical Society in London.
The meeting was highly successful with over 50 attendees.
September 2014 Announce: New
EdgeCutter Workshop in Astrostatistics
to be held on
17 December 2014 at the Royal Statistical Society in London.
August 2014 Highly successful workshop on
High-dimensional Stochastic Simulation and Optimisation in Image Processing held at
Goldney Hall.
Click image to see more.
July 2014 Highly successful workshop on
and Multivariate Extremes held at Goldney Hall.
Click image to see more.
May 2014 Congratulations to
Yiannis Papastathopoulos
who will take up a
Chancellor's Fellowship at the University of
Edinburgh from 1st September 2014.
May 2014 Congratulations to
Heather Battey
who will take up a new position jointly at Imperial College, London
and Princeton University, USA, from 1st October.
March 2014 Announce: Extremes Workshop on
"High-dimensional and Multivariate Extremes, 02-07 July 2014, Bristol.
February 2014 Announce: Image Processing Workshop on
"High-dimensional Stochastic Simulation and Optimisation in
Image Processing, 27-29 August 2014, Bristol.
December 2013 Congratulations to
Marcelo Pereyra
for being awarded a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship
for research into Stochastic Optimisation and Simulation
In Image Processing with Christophe Andrieu.
March 2012 We are delighted that EPSRC has awarded us a 4-year extension to take SuSTaIn up to 2016. From 1 October 2012, Guy Nason is now Scientific Director and PI.
More SuSTaIn-related news.
Recent statistical appointments in the Probability and Statistics group
October 2015
Yi Yu is appointed as a Lecturer in Statistics |
September 2015 James Ridgway is appointed as a Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in October 2015 |
April 2015
Sourav Das is appointed as a Postdoctoral RA |
January 2014
Ben Powell is appointed as a Postdoctoral RA |
September 2013
Haeran Cho is appointed as a Lecturer in Statistics |
September 2013 Nayia Constantinou is appointed as a Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in September 2013 |
October 2012 Nic Freeman is appointed as a Postdoctoral Fellow |
October 2012 Patrick Rubin-Delanchy is appointed as a Postdoctoral Fellow |
July 2012 Ioannis Papastathopoulos is appointed as a Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in October 2012 |
July 2012 Marcelo Pereyra is appointed as a Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in October 2012 |
November 2011 Gordon Ross is appointed as a Postdoctoral Fellow |
October 2011 Andrew Smith is appointed as a Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in January 2012 |
September 2011 Erwan Hillion is appointed as Research Associate |
September 2011 Matthew Aldridge is appointed as a Postdoctoral Fellow |
August 2011 Marina Knight is appointed to a Research Associateship |
July 2011 Clive Bowsher is appointed to a Lectureship in Statistics, starting in October 2011 |
July 2011 Heather Battey is appointed as a Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in October 2011 |
July 2011 Fei Xiang (current homepage) is appointed as a Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in September 2011 |
January 2011 Margaritis Volitis is appointed as a Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in March 2011 |
October 2011 Richard Everitt (current homepage) is appointed as a Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in November 2011 |
September 2010 Fraser Daly (current homepage) is appointed as a Postdoctoral Fellow |
July 2010 Avranil Sarkar is appointed as a Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in September 2010.
| July 2009 Dino Sejdinovic (current homepage) is appointed as a Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in November 2009. Current homepage |
July 2009 Silvia Liverani (current homepage) is appointed as a Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in November 2009. Current homepage |
August 2008 Dan Lawson (current homepage) is appointed to a Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
June 2008 Larissa Stanberry (current homepage) is appointed to a Lectureship in Statistics, starting in October 2008 |
April 2008 Nick Whiteley is appointed as Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in October 2008 |
June 2007 Li Chen is appointed to a Lectureship in Statistics, starting in September 2007 |
June 2007 Vanessa Didelez is appointed to a Lectureship in Statistics, starting in October 2007 |
May 2007 Ayalvadi Ganesh is appointed to a Readership in Complexity Science, starting in September 2007 |
May 2007 Ana-Maria Staicu (current homepage) is appointed as Brunel Postdoctoral Fellow, starting in September 2007. Current homepage |
April 2007 Azita Ghassemi is appointed as SuSTaIn Coordinator, starting in April 2007 |
February 2007 Feng Yu is appointed to a Lectureship, starting in September 2007 |
September 2006 Oliver Zobay is appointed to an EPSRC Statistics Mobility Fellowship, starting in March 2007 |
September 2006 Jonty Rougier and Vlad Tadic are appointed to Lectureships, starting in January 2007 |
July 2006 Ludger Evers (current homepage) and Adam Johansen (current homepage) are appointed as Brunel Postdoctoral Fellows |
February 2006 Aurore Delaigle (current homepage) and Oliver Johnson are appointed to Lectureships, starting in July 2006 |
Past events
Other news
7-11 July 2008 We host a week of lectures for the Academy for PhD Training in Statistics, a recently developed national taught course centre for PhD students in the Statistical Sciences |
March 2008 Our first two Brunel fellows, Ludger Evers and Adam Johansen, have been appointed to lectureships at Glasgow and Warwick, respectively, starting in September 2008 |
May 2007 Sir John Kingman FRS, visiting professor in the group, has been elected to the US National Academy of Sciences |
March 2007 Piotr Fryzlewicz wins University Research Fellowship for 2007-08 |
March 2007 Guy Nason appointed to EPSRC Strategic Advisory Team for mathematics |
March 2007 John McNamara awarded the 2008 Hamilton award from the ISBE |
November 2006 University approves new building for Mathematics and Statistics |
May 2006 Peter Green declared 'most highly cited' mathematician in the world over the previous 10 years! |
March 2006 Announcement of SuSTaIn:
press releases from
and the
University of Bristol. |