Tutorial, Bayes net for forensic DNA analysis, Satellite, Dice, DNA Helix, Distance Matrix of pairs of amino acids, Bristol Balloon festival
SuSTaIn Events Sparsity workshop Invited speakers Programme Abstracts (pdf) Presentations, by author Group photo (jpg) Photo album Information for presenters Directions Joining instructions (pdf) Accommodation Conference dinner Restaurants Participation Flyer (pdf)
Sparse structures: statistical theory and practice
Research workshop, 16-18 June 2010


Information for presenters

Oral presentations

Invited talks are of 40 minutes duration, plus 10 minutes discussion and questions. Contributed talks last 20 minutes, plus 5 for discussion and questions. Please take care not to exceed these limits.

The lecture room is provided with a data projector, and a computer running Windows 7, with PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader. If you need other software, or an old-fashioned overhead projector, please inquire well in advance (email link below). Presenters' own computers can be used if preferred (but please make sure you know how to switch the video output to an external projector).

If using the provided computer, please make sure your presentation is loaded onto it at least 20 minutes before the start of the session in which you speak.


Posters up to A0 size (84 by 119cm), in either landcape or portrait format, are acceptable, but smaller sizes (e.g. A1 (59 by 84)) are preferred. We will provide materials for fixing your poster to the boards provided. The poster session will be early evening on Wednesday (5.30pm-6.30pm). Posters should be set up during the Wednesday afternoon coffee break.